Thursday, May 11, 2006


I feel like I've been in a cross country race. Yesterday was SSL, today was preschool, a doctor's appt., a picnic and the mall. All in the rain and wind.
Here are some pictures of Emma at Sesame Street Live:

For the most part she enjoyed the show, but after intermission, all she kept saying was "I go home". "I tired, I go home". And I was like.....ummm, we are here for you so sit down and like it! ;)
Today she had preschool and in the mean time I had to go to the library, post office and I had an eye doc appt. Well after waiting for quite some time to get in, I went through the process and then had to get my eyes dilated. So the rest of the day I was blinded and my eyes were constantly running......while walking, driving, ect. How safe is that?! Then Kyle was having a Mother's day picnic at school that was supposed to start at 11:20. Well Emma gets out at 11:30, so we had to be late. When we got there he was sitting all alone and with no lunch because I was bringing a picnic lunch for us. He looked so cute and pathetic. Then we were supposed to be able to play after, but because we were late, there was no time. Then his class was putting on a play, but I missed most of it because I had to keep chasing Emma and trying to keep her quiet and out of the way. Ugh.....she is a handful sometimes. Especially when I am half blinded. ;)
Here is a little corsage that Kyle made for me to wear:

After that we went to the mall so I could buy my new glasses. I desperately need new ones as the old ones are broken and have mismatched frames. Oh yes, I know how hot that makes me sound. ;) While there I ran into a girl that used to be part of the mom's group and she completely blew me off. I know there is a possibility that she didn't recognized me.....but come on, I am SO unforgettable!

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