Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sunny Sunday

So the garage sale craziness is over and although we didn't sell as much as we would have liked, we still did alright. I made $45....but I hardly brought anything back home with me. And it was $45, that I didn't have before.

When I got home yesterday Emma said in Emma speak "I go preschool?". I said, "no not today". And she said "morrow?". "No, tomorrow is Sunday". "Oh, morrow is sunglasses day!" She is so cute sometimes. And it turns out, we probably will be wearing sunglasses today. ;)

Rob and Kyle went fishing somewhere today....I don't remember now....a couple hours away. Kyle originally didn't want to go until he heard that they'd be taking the boat. He is all over that boat. They got up and left by 6ish this morning. There are only a few things I can think of that would get me up and out of the house by 6:00....and fishing is NOT one of them. ;)

I went by the new house yesterday and the owner was there. It has been vacant except for some clothes and such for months now, so I hope this means he is finally getting his junk out of there and completely moved out. Only 19 more days until the move.....yay!!!!

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