Thursday, May 04, 2006


Sometimes I wonder what on Earth is going on in my son's head.

Monday I got home from playgroup and there was a message on my answering machine. Whenever I am gone and I hear the beep of a message it always makes my stomach turn, because 9 out of 10 times it is something about Kyle at school. I wish they would just call my cell phone like I've told them a million times so I can just talk to someone instead of the dreaded messages. So anyway, it was his principal telling me that he'd been in the office that day for fighting at recess. I was annoyed mostly because we'd been months without an incident, so I was taken off guard. But it was ok....people make mistakes....nothing to get too worked up over....right?
Then Tuesday....same thing....only this time is was at PE. And it was the same kid. Some kid named Justin, that until this week, I've never even heard of. And as usual, it's something like the other kid was in Kyle's face, yelling at him, making him upset, and instead of walking away, or telling the teacher....Kyle punched him. So that means Kyle gets sent to the office and the other kid doesn't. Sooooo annoying, because this is ALWAYS the case with Kyle. Even though he tries to mind his own business, he knee-jerk reaction takes over and gets him in trouble.
So Tuesday night I'm really annoyed and since he has a field trip scheduled for this Friday, I thought that would be a good motivational tool to get him to shape up for the rest of the week. So I would say things like "you want to be able to go on Friday, right?" or "if you are in the principal's office anymore this week, you won't be able to go on the field trip Friday". Well that backfired, because yesterday he not only got in trouble for fighting with the same kid again, but he told him to "fuck off". AHHHHHHH!!!!!! My eight year old tells people to fuck off. Nice. Why don't we just move to Alabama and knock all of our front teeth out, while we're at it?

I love this kid....but he is driving me to drink. And now I get to take he and Emma with me to the garage sale on Friday. Lovely.

Look at this beautiful face....why does he torture me so?!!!!!! ;)

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