Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Still sickies

The thing that sucks the most about being sick while your kids are sick is that you can't just lay down and peacefully relax. Kyle is home today with a fever. Emma is better and so am I, but still not at 100% and trying to remember who had which medicine at what time, is a pain in the ass. Especially because one of the medicine receivers is me. Although it is easier, I suppose to take care of sluggish kids while I'm sluggish than rambunctious ones. I remember one time before I got pregnant with Emma.....I had just quit my job and Kyle was 4. I was sick and throwing up and he was fine, so the whole day he was in the living room watching tv and playing and I was in between the bedroom and bathroom. My MIL came over after work to check on me and the look on her face when she saw the house was priceless. Hurricane Kyle had been through and he had even ripped down the living room curtains somehow. So she took him with her. I still had to clean it all the next day, but at least he wasn't there. ;)
So today I've been labeling and moving the rubbermaid boxes into the main room in the basement. That way they all say what room they belong in and they are easy to move when the time comes. You know, only 9 days from now.....Holy Shit!

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