Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The "talk"

Last night Rob and I had the "sex talk" with Kyle. It was hilarious. It pretty much started with him telling us what he knew about how babies are made. Which was nothing, except that they "grow from food". I've never been one to sugar coat, or make up crap to spare him from reality, so the whole explanation of things took about a minute and a half. The look of disgust and "why would anyone ever want to do that" on his face was priceless. The conversation ended like this:
"So when I grow up I'm going to do that?"
"Honey, everyone does that"
"Because it's kinda fun, and it is what you've got to do if you want to have a baby"
"I don't HAVE to have children"
"No, you don't have to.....but I'd kind of like you to"
"So you can have grandchildren?"
"Well, when I grow up I probably won't remember that we even talked about this"
"Yeah, maybe not.......or you may need therapy as a result of it".

Parenting.....good stuff. ;)

1 comment:

mrednorb said...

I'm with you on not suar coating things - loved the dialog, especially the part about not remebering the conversation - that's one for the baby book ;)