Sunday, April 30, 2006

I got my camera working

I haven't gotten my new battery yet, but I did get the old one to hold a charge long enough for me to download some photos from it. Here are some of the Easter pictures that I took:

Just some of the kids hunting for eggs and some of them coloring eggs at home that night.

I love to get bargains and with us moving soon.....26 days to be exact....we are in need of some new things. The house we are buying has a family room that is wired for surround sound. We have speakers and such for that, but nothing to put them on. We had been online looking for good deals on speaker mounts and just decided that we would look for some while we were out shopping yesterday. Sure enough in the clearance section at Target the had the exact ones we needed for $3.24 for a set of two. Online they were anywhere from $20 to $40 for a set of two. I love it!


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