Thursday, April 27, 2006

Random rambling

So I did do some fairly nice St. Patty's day pages last night. Maybe not my best work ever, but I'm pleased with them. I also did a cute Easter layout of Emma with some stuff I bought at this great little scrapbook store in Fulton, Illinois. If you ever have a desire to go to Fulton, Illinois you should check out a store called "Picture This". It's a nice place. Here are the pics of the layouts:

This summer Rob and Kyle are going fishing in Canada with Rob's dad, brother and nephew. Kyle has been once before, but this time I thought it might be nice if he learned a little about Canada before he went up there. So I went to the library and got a book that he and I could read together called "Wow Canada!" It is actually a very nice book and Kyle is loving all the facts and weird cartoony stuff in there.
I was surprised at all the Canada facts that I had stored in the recesses of my brain. It was scary.....I even remembered the capitals of the provinces. The last time I remember studying Canada was Ms. Carstensen's sixth grade social studies class. I can't remember where I left my keys, but I remember shit from the sixth grade?!! That's not right......

Speaking of Canada....did you know that the world's largest mall is in Edmonton, Alberta? It was the coolest shit I've ever seen. They have a giant wave pool and everything. It's like a shopper's Disneyworld! I'm adding it to the list of places I will visit before I die. ;)
I don't know how to get the "link" to show up on here so this is the website for it:


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