Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Probably the lamest post I'll ever make.....

So today I was vacuuming while I had Days of Our Lives on. It was about 2 minutes until the end of the show and I looked up and saw Billie and Steve making out. I was so offended! What the hell was that bitch Billie doing?! Was she on a "breaking up super couples" bender?! I couldn't hear what was going on and then it was over, so I have no idea what the circumstance was, but I was so taken back by it.

That being said....I'm completely aware how pathetic and sad it is that somehow I care about the characters from the lamest show on television......but in my own defense I've watched Days since I was a kid and I do have 2 X chromosomes, so I'm allowed some ultra girly moments from time to time. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or if you had been talking about All My Children... I wouldn't hve thought you were such a freak. LOL

(A show I started watching when I got home from kidnergarten).