Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Post Its

Get this.....last night I took Emma to tap dance class. I dropped her off and as I was getting into my car I noticed the car next to me had a bunch of "post it" notes all over the rear passenger side window. I thought it was odd, so I looked a little closer. It was the window with the infant car seat. So I went around to the other side to see what the hell was on those post it notes that were "for baby's eyes only". Take a guess....that's right....inspirational messages. To a fucking baby. An illiterate, probably sleeping most of the car ride, couldn't give a shit less anyway, baby. "You are special" "You are loved" "God made you perfect" "You are the light of my life" Holy shit I was gagging. The unfortunate part was that there were too many classes going on to pinpoint whose car it was. Hopefully I'll figure it out because I've got to get a look at this nut job.

1 comment:

Sincerely Iowa said...


I can think of a few people i know that would do that...

"You are special"