Saturday, February 17, 2007

Taco Johns

So you know how when you go to Taco John's they take your order and then write your name down on the receipt to call later when your food is ready? I've done that kind of thing there and at other places a million times, so with a name like "Trish" they always think I said "Chris", so I always say "Trish, T-R-I-S-H". Every time I say that and usually it's fine. Well, yesterday I did that at Taco John's and as I'm waiting to hear my name, the manager lady yells out "Trash?". I walk over and say "Did you just call me 'Trash'?" She laughs all embarrassed and says "he wrote it" pointing to the guy who took my order. So there I was, staring at her with a "well you are the stupid bitch who said it out loud as if anyone really has the name Trash", look on my face. So she says she's really sorry and gives me a free potato oles coupon. The moral of the story is....being called "Trash" by Taco John's employees is worth roughly $2.

1 comment:

Sincerely Iowa said...

OK, this totally beats the time Courtney went up to order herself a churro. She said her name and she peed her pants laughing when she got the damn churro and the receipt said WHITNEY on it.

COME ON! Are they that stupid?