Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ribbons and bows

I had recently begun attempting to make hair bows for Emma. I'd bought a bunch and thought "certainly I can do this myself". So I set out to do that and realized I have some sort of mental handicap when it comes to tying a bow. I could not figure it out! I tried over and over and it just wasn't right. So I went on Ebay and paid this chick $1.50 to send me step by step directions. It must have worked because I started making some. I took some old, nondescript bows and jazzed them up and made a few from scratch. I like to match Emma's hair bows to her clothes so this is going to be a fun new hobby. And it wasn't nearly as hard as I was making it for myself.

1 comment:

Trish said...

Somehow I think he would. Scotty would look damn cute, though. ;)