Sunday, December 03, 2006

Holiday stuff

Last night we had our Mom's group Christmas party. Rob was disappointed that I didn't come home more drunk and frisky...but too bad for him. ;) It was a good time. We got all gussied up, ate some awesome food, drank a little and played that game Catch Phrase for hours. It's fun when you have that many people. Plus my team won.....again!
Today we took advantage of the cold 10 degrees....and just stayed home. Rob got us some movies. The kids watched Ice Age, the Meltdown and we watched the DaVinci Code. And I did some crafting. I decided, just today that I wanted to make an altered clip board to use as a countdown until Christmas. So I went through all my stuff and here is what I came up with:

I was pleased. Especially because it was just stuff I had on hand and nothing I bought just to use for this purpose. I get satisfaction from that. The idea is that you make cards with 24 numbers and each day the kids pull off a number so they know how many days until Santa comes. Emma couldn't have cared less, but Kyle thought it was cool.

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