Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Funny things my son has said

Out of context of course, because that makes them even funnier:

1. I've got a beaver and I'm not afraid to use it!

2. Spaghetti (in an Italian accent)

3. Oooo, baby....she is hot for me to kiss.

4. She's pretty like someone who isn't a mom(and I replied "actually she is a mom") Well, she's prettier than my mom, then.

5. That must be how Grandpa got his mustache, by drinking too much beer.

6. I don't want to be hit by lightening because then everyone will see my skeleton.

7. Ewwwww, you're going to poop her out?!

8. Tasfer!

9. (While driving past the local strip club) That's the place that Grandpa took me to get some coffee and talk.

10. That must be how they make soap, by melting down poisonous snakes.


Sincerely Iowa said...

He certainly has quite the creative imagination, doesn't he?

I posted about ya today...

Trish said...

Oh no......I'm a little scared to look. ;)