Sunday, July 16, 2006


Today we...meaning me and the kids because Rob wasn't feeling well, went to Raccoon River Park for 2 birthday parties. My friend Gina's son Sean, and my friend Sharon's daughter Katie were both turning one. They did the typical one year old eating cake type thing, but it was so 100 degrees today, the frosting was completely melted. What a mess. I was glad I didn't have to clean it up. ;)
After the party the kids and I headed down to the beach. It was torture on our feet because the sand was on fire, even with our sandals on. The kids had a great time, but it was hard for just me to watch them because they both go in different directions and Emma is fearless, so at any minute I'm afraid she'll be drowning in the deep water.....speaking of, I forgot to post about a similar situation the other day at the Clive aquatic center. More on that later. So anyway, we swam for about an hour, got completely covered in sand, came home, showered and have been relaxing in the air conditioning ever since. Here are some pictures from today:

We went to the pool in Clive on Friday and they have a ton of stuff for the kids to do, but I was afraid that Kyle was getting bored in the little kid part so I blew up Emma's inner tube and we all headed over to the big kid pool. We were walking in a row, Kyle in front and Emma behind. I turned around to make sure Emma was following, and she was. The next second, I hear whistles blowing and right after I'd turned my head around, Emma had jumped into the 12 foot water, where they have the diving boards. Luckily she had on the tube, but it was a split second from when I had just checked on her. Even the life guard that had blown the whistle was like "that was quick". Ugh.....she wears me out!
On the topic of water, when we moved into our house, the sprinkler system wasn't working and with the heat, our grass was all brown. So a couple of weeks after we moved in, we fixed it and have been using it. I was kind of scared how much our water bill was going to be because the meter was going crazy whenever the sprinklers were on. But I thought, let's just use it the way we want and see how much it is. That news came in the mail last week....$99.66. Holy shit! Needless to say, there are no more baths every night and the sprinkler system has been downgraded to only 2 nights per week. Our grass is looking pretty green, though. ;)


Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.