Saturday, July 08, 2006

It just keeps getting better

Whenever I think the soap opera of our homes previous owner is over, along comes something else. He had never gotten his mail forwarded, so we've been getting tons of stuff for overdraws, overdue bill notices, ect. Well today came a bill from the Pathology Labratory in Des Moines. I thought....oh I've gotta see what this is all I opened it to find a bill for fungus cultures and fungal smears. GROSS!!!!!! Thank God my shower was painstakingly Tilexed the day we moved in. That is so nasty! Then last night we were down at our newly completed neighborhood park and met a couple that live down the block. We got to talking and when when I told them which house we live in, they kind of laughed. So after a little more chatting about that, the girl said that she thought that "Pepper Jack" was still seeing someone in the neighborhood. Ummmm, yeah apparently someone with a fungal infection. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's just great, Trish. Committing a federal offense just for the sake of curiosity. Nice. Now you will just be grossed out whenever you are in your shower. Ick.
