Monday, March 12, 2007


Ahhhhhhh, warm temperatures. The snow is almost all melted except for the huge mound that was at one point covering our mailbox. The past couple of days have been so great. We've gone on walks, bike rides and just been outside. It's supposed to get a little colder towards the weekend, but still nothing like last week. I even sat outside in the lawn chair and read while Emma played. We have a trail by our house that leads to a pond/marsh area and a tree had fallen over covering the path about 3/4 of the way. So Emma and I just left the stroller in front of the tree and she and I walked the rest of the way. She was loving jumping in the puddles, picking up sticks and throwing them in the water and pretty much just getting messy. Last summer we rode our bikes over to the marsh/lake/pond thing and that was all there was to it, but since then they've added a lookout area with benches and a parking lot. So it's a little more user friendly.

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