Monday, February 11, 2008

More random Monday stuff

It's fricking freezing out there Mr. Bigglesworth! I had to run a ton of errands today and it was torturous to even walk from the car to the door because the wind is so damn cold. I checked out a few things at the library and the chick behind the counter was saying that my items were due March something-or-other, and she was laughing that it was already almost March. I was like....not close enough. If March brings some warmer weather and the end of the snow, then bring it on March!

My husband thought it would be hilarious to give me a hickey on my neck last night. So this morning I had to put on a turtleneck so all the other preschool moms wouldn't think I was a junkie whore.

I've been watching the HBO show "Deadwood" on DVD lately. It's a good one. More funny than I had expected. Anyway, the oddest thing is that all of these 80's actors keep showing up on there. Like people who you haven't seen since "Newhart" ended. For example, Larry, of "I'm Larry and this is my brother Daryl and this is my other brother Daryl" fame. Also, one of the Simons from Simon and Simon, the one that's married to Delta Burke. Then, the principal from Ferris Bueller.....wasn't that guy arrested for like child pornography or something? Oh and get this, do you remember Blair's cousin Geri from Facts of Life? The one with cerebral palsy? She's on there and what's more....there is even a character on Deadwood named Mrs. Garrett. I was like...isn't there any show this chick is on that doesn't have a Mrs. Garrett?!!!! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The actor's name from SIMON & SIMON is GERALD MCRANEY and he played George Hearst on DEADWOOD.
In my humble opinion, he deserved an Emmy for that role.
He also played Johnston Green in JERICHO last season. That show starts it's second season tonight, Tuesday, at 10 p.m. EST on CBS.
Try'll love it...I promise!