Emma has been quite the 4 year old devil lately. While we were at my mom's she had her biggest tantrum ever. While at the video store, of all places. She was pissed off and tossing movies off shelves, screaming, flailing and pounding her fists on the floor. She bruised up my legs from kicking me while I was carrying her out to the car. Then when we were in the car she kept smacking me in the face because I had my hands busy keeping her seat belt on and her in her car seat. She even made my glasses fly off. I put her in my mom's spare bedroom and she was throwing picture frames and even cracked a hole in the sheet rock on the wall. She got a damn good spanking that night. Later on, hours after the commotion, I showed her the bruises on my legs and asked her how many times she thought she had slapped me. She batted her eyes and said all sorrowful "Like, 10". Ohhhhh, what a beast!!!!
Then the other day while I was at the store, Rob had put her in her room for a time out. Unknown to him and to me until we were putting her to bed, she had broken, purposefully, her "Growing up Girls" figurines that my mom had given her every year on her birthday. She broke off their heads and arms and then hid them under her
blankets. So when I turned down her bed, I found them. I was so angry that we took everything out of her room...toy box, bookcase, shelves, clock....pretty much everything but her pillow and blankets for her bed. We even took away her blanket and baby. So she was mighty pissed off. It took her about 45 minutes of screaming and yelling about her stuff before she finally fell asleep. Luckily I was able to glue the figurines back together, but they don't look right. My mom is coming this weekend for Easter and I know she is going to be upset about it. Emma was grounded yesterday, which was no fun as she had nothing to play with and couldn't watch TV. Plus we missed a playgroup, so all day she was carrying on about not being able to see her friends.
Here is a "proof of parent abuse" picture I took of one of the bruises on my leg: