Monday, November 27, 2006

Post Thanksgiving talk

We got back from Minnesota yesterday after our long weekend of eating and shopping. I didn't eat or buy as much as I could have, but it was still enough. My BIL works for Target and because of the nice weather they had made more money at his store on "Black Friday" than anticipated....something like $600,000 that day. Can you imagine? My mom and I waited in line at Kohl's for about a half hour. The kids stayed with Rob at my sister's house, so I was perfectly fine waiting in line worrying only about myself. While in line we heard people talking about when they had gotten there, so much they had bought, etc. and this woman was saying that she had gotten there at 5 am and then left because the line was so long. Then she came back at 9....when we were there.....and the line was even longer. Duh, dipshit, what did she expect? The nice thing about going later, was that by 1:00 in the afternoon all the early birds had gone home. Here are some pictures of my mom, me, my sister and Emma on Thanksgiving.

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