Monday, October 29, 2007

Tarzan's medical history and a Halloween party

I went to the library today and as I was walking though an aisle I caught a glimpse of a book entitled "Tarzan's Tonsillitis". That's not a subject I thought they'd cover. ;)
We had our playgroup Halloween party the other night at a friend's house. She did a great job decorating and making a "spooky room" in her basement. The kids looked so cute in their costumes and their buckets were overflowing with treats and goodies. Kyle was a little annoying with his Yu Gi Oh hair that he kept taking off. I was like "you picked that costume, now you wear it". Another friend's son had the same issue with his Davy Jones costume. He kept taking off his octopus-type headgear. So between the two of them, my friend and I were telling them all night to put their head/hair back on. ;)
Here is a picture of Kyle pretending to be scared by the spooky know for the benefit of the younger kids:

And here is Emma in the yard before the apple bob:

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