I remember a time when I had something to say every day, and now I can only come up with something to blog about once a week? That's pathetic of me! ;) I just don't have anything new to say. It is almost July 4th, though, so I'll have some pics from that coming up at least.
We've been going to the pool, hanging out, nothing really out of the ordinary. Emma did say something funny the other day. She likes to tell stories that start with "Once Upon a Time", but in Emma speak it's "Pon a time". The other night, as a bribe to get her to finish her dinner, I told her that I would take her to the park when she was done. That started the storytelling.
Emma: Pon a time, there was a wittle girl and she went to the park. There was a wake and she went swimming in the wake. There was a croc-e-dile and it ate her 'til she died.
Me: That's a terrible story.
Emma: No, it's not.
Me: Yes, it is.....a little girl gets eaten by a crocodile? That's not nice.
A little while later she was getting her shoes on and she must have decided to try and make her story seem happier because she said:
Emma: No, the girl not get eaten, it was her dog.
Me: That doesn't make it any better, it's still a terrible story.
So then, the next day I was talking to my mom and telling her the crocodile story and Emma over heard me. That started her in on a new story:
Emma: Pon a time there was a girl and she went to the park. She got a stick and it hit her in the head and she bleeded.
Me: Is there any story of yours that doesn't end in bloodshed?!