Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We saw this really awful movie this weekend called "Wanted" with Angelina Jolie. Here is a yahoo review that pretty much sums up the awful-ness of it:

Just shockingly awful. The movie is ludicrous in a matter of seconds, and finds a way to continue the ridiculousness. Somebody should have stopped whoever wrote this at draft one. Lines like this is the 'loom of fate'?! Is that intentionally funny? And this is a group of killer weavers??? Was that chosen after mercenary hairstylists was rejected? This movie as a video game would be embarrassing, let alone as a movie. I actually felt bad for Angelina Jolie having to give her horrifically written speech (her only moment to do more than act like a skinny bad ass).

The only thing I'd add was that we saw it with these 2 girls behind us that were loving every minute of it. So, they would make comments constantly like "Oh, snap!"
Good Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, we did get to see Angelina's ass too...and for my husband, that was well worth the cost of admission!

Tina J.