Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Various Stories

Just some random things going on in my head lately......

Kyle got his scores back from taking the Iowa Basic skills tests (standardized achievement tests....I assume every state has these) in Feb. Last year was the first year that he took them and did pretty well. I don't remember his composite score, but the test placed him as on the level of a typical fourth grade student, when he was in the third grade. So this year being a fourth grader, I figured he would do well, but was quite surprised at how well. His composite score was 94, meaning that only 6% of students his age, nationwide, scored higher. Then it said that his score put him on the level of a typical seventh grader. So now Kyle thinks he is as smart as a seventh grader. ;) I was like.....yeah, well then there is no reason you should bring home fourth grade papers with anything less than an A, right?
That kind of took the wind out of his sails. ;)
Speaking of Kyle, a lot of the reason that he is not a straight A student is that he is lacking in the responsibility category. So he looses assignments, turns in half assed work, or forgets things. Yesterday was a "forget". He had an assignment that was due today that he needed a certain form to fill out. I reminded him on Monday to bring it home, but he forgot. Yesterday morning I reminded him again. Yesterday afternoon he gets in the car and here is the conversation from that point:

Me: Did you remember to get that paper that you needed?
Him: No, I forgot it.
(A long pause, as I stare at him)
Me: Well, don't you need it?
Him: Yeah.
Me: Then go get it.
Him: I can't. (getting visibly upset)
Me: Why not? (also getting visibly upset)
Him: Because school is over.
Me: Yeah, by like 5 minutes. Your teacher is still in there. You can go get it.
Him: (tearing up) But, my friends will see me going back in.
Me: So?!
Him: So, they never have to back in.
Me: I'm sure people have to go back in on occasion. Now, get out of the car and go get your paper.
Him: NO!!!! (crying and red faced )
Me: You are the one that kept forgetting it, so you are the one that needs to go get it.
Him: (freaking out) I'm not!
Me: (I suppose I should have just said forget it, and let him get a shitty grade, but I was baffled and pissed by his reaction at that point) Do I need to get out of the car and drag you in myself?!
Him: No!
Me: (getting out of the car and going around to his side) Go, now!
Him: (getting out and making a big spectacle)I am!

So, he goes in, gets his paper and it was so totally not a big deal. On the drive home I said: "So you were embarrassed to go back into the school, but crying and having a 2 year old tantrum in the parking lot wasn't embarrassing?". He just ignored me and sniffled all the way home. It just goes to show that you never know what is going to set a kid off. That would have never crossed my mind as something he would be embarrassed by. Lesson learned, I guess.

Here is story from the funeral home. My FIL, since retiring, works part time at a funeral home, picking up bodies and helping with services. Yesterday they were doing a full on Catholic service in the chapel. So, it is much smaller than a typical cathedral ceiling of a church. Anyway they got to the point where they burn the incense over the casket, you know as an "absolution for the dead", and there is so much smoke that people start coughing. Then, the smoke detectors start going off. There were people waving their arms, and running out. That's a nice send off, huh? My FIL said he's never seen it happen before, but he's only worked there for a couple of years, so maybe it happens a lot. ;)

Rob's cousin Stephanie recently moved to Ankeny. She has a daughter that is Emma's age, so the girls got together one afternoon for a play date. Look at how cute they look in their princess dresses. Emma picked the Sleeping beauty one, and Shaylen picked the Belle one. I was like "you guys do really look like Sleeping Beauty and Belle!". ;)

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