Monday, March 24, 2008

Back from spring break

Spring, my ass. ;) We spent last week at my mom's for spring break. It was anything but spring. Emma was sick with a cough and fever for a couple of days and then my mom caught the bug and was coughing like mad, also. We didn't do much of our usual stuff like the St. Patrick's day parade, but my sister and BIL came that weekend, so we just kind of hung out. During the week we took the kids to see Horton Hears a Who and got some Whitey's ice favorite. Then we had Easter with my brother and Rob because they came over on Friday. Here are some pictures of the kids with the Easter bunny, decorating eggs and us on Easter Sunday.

1 comment:

mrednorb said...

Yummmmmmmm....Whitey's Ice Cream! We're dealing with our SECOND week of spring break. Although the time off is nice, I can't wait for school to re-start!