Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A River Runs Through It

It's been raining here for 2 days. Good for the grass I suppose, but shitty for everything else. There is flooding going on all over the place and Rob has been to house after house with flooded basements and sump pumps that can't keep up. Here is a picture of what the drainage ditch behind our yard looks like:

Oh and while I'm looking at this picture, check out what the people who live behind us did to their fence. They had a nice, wooden privacy fence and hired someone to take off just the back side and put chain link in it's place. Leaving the rest as wood and using the wooden posts. It looks retarded. At first I was thinking that surely it was temporary and they were planning doing something else, but it's been 3 weeks and nothing has changed. Somehow I have to tactfully bring up the subject without them catching on that I think it looks like shit. That will be difficult for me. ;)

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