Sunday, November 12, 2006

Happy Birthday Emma!

Today is officially Emma's 4th birthday. At this time 4 years ago, I was in the tail end of labor and cursing the anesthesiologists for not letting me have an epidural. Emma was born at 5:14 pm, and was the nail in the coffin of "I'm never doing this again".
Yesterday was her birthday party. We had it at CiCi's pizza, which she loves, but doesn't eat the pizza. She is partial to the noodles and sauce, instead. She had a ball, eating, running around with her friends, having cake and opening gifts. I can't believe that in a little over a month she is going to be receiving even more toys. UGH! Here are a few photos of the day:

She had a Strawberry Shortcake party......can you tell? ;)

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